large number of - meaning and definition. What is large number of
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What (who) is large number of - definition

Large number; Very large numbers; 10^120 (number); Very large number; Great numbers; 10^120; List of large numbers; Astronomically-large; Astronomically large; Googology; Millinillinillion

Large numbers         
Large numbers are numbers significantly larger than those typically used in everyday life (for instance in simple counting or in monetary transactions), appearing frequently in fields such as mathematics, cosmology, cryptography, and statistical mechanics. They are typically large positive integers, or more generally, large positive real numbers, but may also be other numbers in other contexts.
Names of large numbers         
  • 500px
Centillion; Quadrillion; Quattuordecillion; Quintillion; Sextillion; Duotrigintillion; Billiard (number); Duotrigintillon; Octillion; Septillion; Decillion; Undecillion; Duodecillion; Tretrigintillion; Tredecillion; Quindecillion; Trigintillion; Trilliard; Centilliard; Quinquagintilliard; Sexdecilliard; Septendecillion; Decilliard; Sexdecillion; Googolminex; Vigintillion; Sexagintillion; Thousand million million; Novemnonagintillion; Cenuntillion; Ducentillion; Trecentillion; Names of very large numbers; Corporalplex; Octodecillion; Novemdecillion; Quadragintillion; Quinquagintillion; Septuagintillion; Octogintillion; Nonagintillion; Duocentillion; Centretillion; Novemtrigintillion; Unvigintillion; 10^15 (number); 10^12 (number); Quintoquadagintillion; Thousand billion; Quadrilliard; Thousand trillion; Googolplexian; Sextilliard; Quatorquinquagintillion; Thousand quadrillion; Googleplexian; Duovigintillion; Octovigintillion; Septenvigintillion; Sexvigintillion; Quinvigintillion; Quattuorvigintillion; Trevigintillion; Novemvigintillion; Untrigintillion; Quattuortrigintillion; Quintrigintillion; Sextrigintillion; Septentrigintillion; Octotrigintillion; Quartillion; Largest named number; Quintillionth; Nonillion; Novemnonagintilliard; Quinquagintaquadringentilliard; Nongentillion; Octingentillion; Tetrillion; Googolplexplex; Millinillion; Sexillion; Tresvigintillion; Quinquavigintillion; Sesvigintillion; Septemvigintillion; Octogintacentillion; Googolduplex; Words for large numbers; Sexdillion; Quadrillions; Highest named number; Secdecillion; Sexdicillion; Hextillion; Names for large numbers; Numbers over centillion; Names of big numbers; Draft:List of big numbers in order; 10^10^10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000; Number with 303 zeros; Femtillion; Attillion; Zeptillion; Micrillion; Nanillion; Yoctillion; Xonillion; Vecillion; Mecillion; Icosillion; Trecillion; Tetrecillion; Pentecillion; Hexecillion; Heptecillion; Octecillion; Ennecillion; Duecillion; Killillion; Hectillion; Picillion
This article lists and discusses the usage and derivation of names of large numbers, together with their possible extensions.
Law of large numbers         
  • ''Bottom:'' With an enormous number of solute molecules (too many to see), the randomness is essentially gone: The solute appears to move smoothly and systematically from high-concentration areas to low-concentration areas. In realistic situations, chemists can describe diffusion as a deterministic macroscopic phenomenon (see [[Fick's law]]s), despite its underlying random nature.}}
Laws of large numbers; Poisson's Law of Large Numbers; Kolmogorov's Second Law of Large Numbers; SLLN; Weak law of large numbers; Poisson's law of large numbers; Strong law of large numbers; The law of large numbers; Strong Law of Large Numbers; Golden theorem; Bernoulli’s Golden Theorem; Law of Large Numbers; Theory of large numbers; Uniform weak law of large numbers; Proof of the law of large numbers; UWLLN; Borel's law of large numbers; Borel's Law of Mathematics; Bernoulli's Golden Theorem; Law of large numbers/Proof; Proof of the Law of large numbers; Law Of Large Numbers; Uniform law of large numbers; Bernouilli's theorem (mathematics); Lln (statistics); The Strong Law of Large Numbers; The strong law of large numbers
In probability theory, the law of large numbers (LLN) is a theorem that describes the result of performing the same experiment a large number of times. According to the law, the average of the results obtained from a large number of trials should be close to the expected value and tends to become closer to the expected value as more trials are performed.


Large numbers

Large numbers are numbers significantly larger than those typically used in everyday life (for instance in simple counting or in monetary transactions), appearing frequently in fields such as mathematics, cosmology, cryptography, and statistical mechanics. They are typically large positive integers, or more generally, large positive real numbers, but may also be other numbers in other contexts.

Googology is the study of nomenclature and properties of large numbers.

Examples of use of large number of
1. Witnesses spoke of a large number of casualties. The explosion was massive ... there are a large number of casualties.
2. Anqari said: "We understand that a large number of people have suffered, but people have to realize that it is due to a large number of reasons.
3. Officers discovered a large number of audio cassettes and videos.
4. There is a surprisingly large number of such words.
5. "Of course, Doha has a large number of Indian expatriates."